Dealer Onboarding

Before receiving live orders, it’s important to configure your order manager and ensure your dealer account is all set by placing a test order first. The test order’s purpose is to:

  1. Confirm orders are importing properly from your sales channel
  2. Ensure they are being properly processed and routed to the supplier
  3. Confirm tracking is syncing back properly to your sales channel when applicable

How to Place a Test Order

1. Place Order/Access Order Manager
You will place an order on your sales channel just as a customer would. We recommend you select a small, low-dollar item since the order will be fulfilled and shipped (for tracking purposes). Once the order is placed, login to your Inventory Source account to access Order Manager.

2. Comfirm Order Has Imported
If you’re on a Plus or VIP plan, orders will import from your sales channel every 15 minutes. If you are on a Basic plan, orders import every hour. If you want to force a sync, you can do so with the Order Sync button. This will automatically import any orders that were waiting for the next scheduled sync to run.

3. Login to Your Flxpoint Dealer Portal
Click on Orders at the top of the page, then click on your new order.

Note: If you have configured Auto-Authorize Orders For Payment, it is likely this order has already been authorized to be charged and no further action is required – skip to Step 5.

4. Authorize Order for Payment
By clicking this button, you are authorizing US Direct to capture payment for this order.


If you would like for us to automatically authorize all orders under a set price, you can configure this by: Clicking Settings at the top of the page > click yes for “Auto Authorize Orders For Payment” > set “Only Auto Authorize Up to a Maximum Order Total” to your preferred max cost per order total. Contact US Direct to confirm order has been received – you’ll want to reach out to “[email protected]” to confirm that we received the order okay.

5. Monitor the Order for Tracking
Once the supplier provides tracking details, we will import those into your dealer portal and change the status of the order to “Shipped” and sync the tracking information back into your sales channel.

6. Start selling!
After you’ve successfully tracked the life cycle of your first test order, you can begin accepting live orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I map my shipping methods?

Take some time to review the Order Manager: Shipping Mapping guide.

What happens if my order fails?

If you have made all corrections indicated by the error messages, but still are unable to process your test order, contact the Inventory Source onboarding team at [email protected] and they’ll look into any issues.